The last two years have made an entire generation put their ambitions on hold and question their future.

The World Cup comes as the first major event on a global scale after that, and the anticipation for it has taken on stratospheric proportions.

That’s why, in this World Cup, Budweiser invited the whole world to invade the players’ access tunnel, with Neymar, Messi e Sterling leading the crew, reminding everyone that it’s time to take the world back to us.

AD: Drew Ruiz

CW: Jeffrey Rozman

CD: José Ferraz, Felipe Paiva, Rafael Melo, Renan Molin

Agency: Wieden+Kennedy São Paulo / Wieden+Kennedy New York

Music by Tears For Fears feat. Lil Baby

Directed by Terence Neale

Produced by Park Pictures / Evil Twin / The Mill VFX